Tokyo Marui M4 CQBR NGRS
Internaly fully upgraded
Retro arms gearbox
Jefftron mosfet
PDi barrel with rHop
Prometheus 20:1 gears
FPS carbon piston
FPS cylinder head and piston head
Prometheus nozzle
Eagle6 110 spring
Eagel6 stronger recoil spring
Begadi mamba 19k 28tpa motor
Upper i lower receiver cerakoted
Prometheus pins
VFC pistol grip
VFC crane butstock
TM OEM pistol grip
TM OEM crane butstock
TM gearbox shell with Prometheus ball bearings
5x TM ngrs m4 mid caps
1x TM 14" barrel with front sight
1x Lonex 10" barrel
1x 3000mAh 11.1v Titan battery
Chronoed around 1.45J with 0,32 BBs
Can send more pictures and videos howe it works.